Thursday, January 1, 2015

Day 1 - January 1st, 2015

I fear that I might have decided to do another 365 day photo/ramble blog.  Fair warning:  It might get a little depressing once in awhile, especially at the beginning.  Everyone is posting on Facebook today about hope and a new year and blessings, and about how this year will be so much better than last year, and I'm stuck in this world in which the day or month or year really doesn't matter.  I've always been pretty blunt and very honest about my life... or quiet, if I feel like the things I might say will be too dark. 
I've been in a sort of limbo for quite awhile, not knowing what the future will bring, and honestly, terrified about it.  By the end of this month, I will either be homeless, or I will be living in a piece of shit mobile home that I'll hardly be able to afford... I almost prefer the homeless option. 
I don't feel hopeful about this new year.  I don't feel like "blessings" are coming, I don't feel like it will be better than 2014.  The only thing I feel is a deep, awful foreboding of what's to come. 

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