There are a couple of reasons that this is so. One, I am reading The Stand, by Stephen King, and recently passed the scene where Larry Underwood is determined to get out of New York city through the tunnel - which happens to be full of dead bodies. He reunites with a recently made friend named Rita in there, and together they fight their way through the darkness toward the other side. Toward the end of their horrifying stumbling, Rita says to Larry, "I can see, Larry! It's the end of the tunnel!"
This leads me to the second reason that tunnels have been on my mind. I've been in my own tunnel, mostly in the dark, mostly in fear. I have seen my own horrors in this tunnel, and the only thing that makes me keep walking forward is the daunting idea of going back to the beginning. Today, I am beginning to see some light. Soon, I will be out of this and onto the other side. My spirit has been refreshed by this glimpse, and I am about to sprint toward the light, and whatever lies beyond.
Ok now I want to read The Stand!!